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CoinMarketCart - A Secure, scalable, decentralized and community driven project for Web3.0

CoinMarketCart (CMCT) token contract already validated, verified and KYCed by CoreDAO and IceCreamSwap.

CoinMarketCart is aim to use their native token #CMCT for trading NFTs and planning to launch own DEX in near future, therefore introducing CoinMarketCart (CMCT) token and have created the token with very limited supply to maintain demand and supply for price to be higher side always.

$CMCT 36,666 Max supply was added in liquidity pool on 05/30/2023 in between CMCT/CORE pair & CMCT/CCT pair for Fair launched price of $0.006 on IceCreamSwap Dex and all 36,666 CMCT tokens are in circulating in the market and holders are holding entire $CMCT supply, and holders are the people providing the liquidity for token #CMCT.

CoinMarketCart already Locked Liquidity of CMCT/CORE and CMCT/CCT for 1 year.


Estock Coin
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