bnbGPT - AI + narrative decentralized platform.
Start using investing strategies or stake cryptocurrencies directly from your wallet with full control of the assets. bnbGPT token is a Layer 3 protocol native coin.
Stealth Launch: March 27, 2023 - 16:00 UTC
Smart Contract Address: 0xeC59dc53f201bb42b9cE2aD76f695D9277d14e95
Total supply: Supply: 1,000,000,000 $bnbGPT
Initial Burn: 200,000,000 $bnbGPT
Pancake LP for listing: 700,000,000 $bnbGPT
5% LOW tax on all transactions:
3% are distributed to fellow BNB holders,
2% are added to liquidity to create an ever rising price floor.
Binance Smart Chain-BASED
dApp is made on the Binance Smart Chain network, and all the Smart Contracts currently work only on it. bnbGPT token is an bep20 token in the stealth sale.