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On-Chain Financial Experience for Crackers on Arbitrum made by Crackers for Crackers.
There are 5 rules to acknowledge to perfectly master this token:

N°1: Buy at least one dose (1 CRK) every 24h from the liquidity to avoid the crisis state.

N°2: Liquidate 50% of other crackheads\' stashes when they fall in thecrisis state. Steal 5% of the doses and burn the other 95%.

N°3: Get ranked in the Crackhouse\'s boards for rewards.

N°4: Doses stored in the liquidity pool can not be liquidated.

N°5: You must pay a 5% sell tax to prevent instant buy & sell and a 5% tax when you add to the LP to balance the protection you get. Everything is instantly burned.

We are the first crypto drug ever recorded.
By once, never renounce.


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