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Meta Ricaro is a multipurpose transactional token created on binance smartchain METARICARO Acceptability (CARO) Token will serve as a global crypto currency, which will be acceptable on all Metaricaro platforms, and it will empower people to use a single crypto currency for diverse Use\'s as well as trading.

Metricaro creates a Metaverse Based infrastructure on the blockchain where users will be able to use CARO Token on multiplatform.

Ricaro Coin is a BEP20 Coin that can be bought in exchange for Binance (BNB). Designed on the BNB blockchain, RicaroCoin is designed to expedite transactions while offering low transaction fees.

RicaroCoin will play an extremely significant role in driving transactions on a number of platforms, internationally, including Shopping, Trading, Travel, Remittance, Merchant Services, Staking, and many more. It will also be the backbone of RicaroCoin Referral & Reward Program. The acceptance and usage of Ricaro will increase its popularity as well as value.


Estock Coin
45456 votes
Ordinals Finance
4287 votes
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87 votes
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